

Wise-agents is an open source project hosted on github

Please join us, fork the project or add a star.

Issue tracker

If you need to create an issue please go to

How to contribute

see our dedicated page

πŸ‘‹ GitHub Discussion!

We’re using Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. We hope that you: * Ask questions you’re wondering about. * Share ideas. * Engage with other community members. * Please introduce yourself if you are posting the first time * Welcome others and are open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together πŸ’ͺ.

To get started, jump to GitHub Discussion and start your first thread.

πŸ‘‹ Zulip Chat!

We’re using Zulip Chat as another place to connect with other members of our community. This is a good place to connect directly and quickly with other community members. You can ask question and start discussions there, just remember it's not a support chat, but just a community chat. For more involved discussions or to help keep track things, other community members might ask you to start a GitHub Discussion. Chat gives the community a great power...but you know from a great power comes great responsibility, so be open-minded and remember this is a community we are building together.

To get started, jump on and start your first chat.

πŸ‘€ Follow Us

Stay tuned for updates about the Wise Agents project by following us on: * X